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to put a field to

  • 1 orta

    "1. middle, middle part, central part. 2. middle, central (thing). 3. moderate; average, middling. 4. phys. place, locus, field. -da 1. in the middle. 2. in public, publicly. 3. evident, obvious. - akıncı soccer center forward. -ya almak /ı/ to put (someone, something) in the middle; to surround. -ya atılmak 1. to be suggested, be proposed, be thrown out for consideration. 2. to sally forth, go forth. -ya atmak /ı/ to suggest, throw (something) out for consideration. - baklası colloq. loose woman. -ya bir balgam atmak vulg. to throw a monkey wrench into the works, say something that upsets things (just at a point when all´s going well). -da bırakmak /ı/ to leave (someone) in the lurch, leave (someone) in a difficult situation. - boy 1. middle-sized. 2. middle-sized thing. - boylu (person) of medium height. -sını bulmak 1. to do something in moderation, take the middle course. 2. /ın/ to reconcile. 3. /ın/ to divide (something) into two equal parts. -ya çıkarmak 1. /ı/ to expose, reveal, bring to light. 2. to create, introduce (a new thing). -ya çıkmak 1. to appear, come on the scene. 2. (for something) to come to light. - derece/derecede of middling quality. - dikme math. perpendicular bisector. - direk 1. naut. mainmast. 2. colloq. middle class, middle-class people. -ya dökmek /ı/ to disclose, make public. -ya/ortalığa düşmek to become a prostitute. -da fol yok yumurta yokken colloq. for no apparent reason whatsoever. - halli middle-class. - hece yutumu ling. haplology. - hizmetçisi housemaid. - işi housework. -dan kaldırmak /ı/ 1. to hide, put (something) out of sight. 2. to eliminate, eradicate, do away with, remove, abolish. 3. slang to kill, rub out, do away with, make away with, put away, remove. -dan kalkmak 1. to be done away with; to cease to be. 2. slang to be done away with, be bumped off, be killed. 3. not to be found on the market. -da kalmak 1. to be left without house or home, be left homeless. 2. to be caught in the middle (when two of one´s friends are quarreling with each other). - karar of middling quality. -dan kaybolmak to disappear. -ya koymak /ı/ 1. to bring up (a matter), put forth (something) for consideration. 2. to create, produce. - kuşak the Temperate Zone. - malı 1. something everyone uses in common. 2. commonplace, stale, stereotyped. 3. loose woman, woman who sleeps around. -nın sağı 1. pol. group that´s to the right of the center. 2. slang very sweet (coffee). - sahın arch. central nave. -nın solu 1. pol. group that´s to the left of the center. 2. slang (coffee) with little sugar. -dan söylemek to make some barbed remarks (about someone within earshot without mentioning that person´s name). - şekerli (coffee) with a middling amount of sugar in it. - terim log. middle term. -ya vurmak /ı/ to expose; to disclose; to make public. - yaşlı middle-aged."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > orta

  • 2 basmak

    "1. /a/ to step on or in, tread on; /ı, a/ to set (one´s foot) on, put (one´s foot) on (a place): Ayağını o ipek halıya basma! Don´t you set foot on that silk rug! 2. /ı, a/ to press (one´s finger, a seal, a mold, a wood block, etc.) on; /a/ to press: Zile bas! Ring the doorbell! 3. /ı, a/ to pack (something) tightly into (a container). 4. /ı/ to print (books, etc.); to coin, strike, mint (coins). 5. (for darkness) to fall. 6. /ı/ (for fog) to descend on, cover. 7. /ı/ (for something undesirable) to cover (a place): Tarlayı sel bastı. Floodwater has covered the field. Bahçenin her yerini ot bastı. Weeds have taken over the garden. 8. /a/ to become, turn (a specified age): Bugün elliye bastı. He turned fifty today. 9. /ı/ to make an unexpected attack on, raid; (for the police) to bust. 10. /ı, a/ to put (air) in (a tire). 11. /ı/ (for a machine) to pump (a liquid) or compress (a gas). 12. /ı/ suddenly to let out (a yell, a curse, a laugh). 13. /ı/ suddenly to deliver (a blow) to, land (a blow) on. 14. /ı/ suddenly to hand in (one´s resignation, a letter of protest). 15. suddenly to feel...: Feci halde uyku bastı. I feel very sleepy. 16. /ı/ to be consumed with: Hocayı öfke bastı. The teacher was consumed with rage. 17. /ı/ to set, put (a hen) on eggs so that she will hatch them. Bas!/Bas git! slang Clear out! Beat it! Get lost! Scram! basıp geçmek /ı/ 1. to pass, overtake, leave (someone, something) behind. 2. just to pass (someone) by, not to stop and visit (someone). basıp gitmek/geçmek colloq. to get up and leave, take off. bastığı yeri bilmemek 1. not to know what one is doing, be out of it. 2. to be overjoyed. bastığı yerde ot bitmemek /ın/ to bring bad luck wherever he/she goes; to blight whatever he/she touches. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > basmak

  • 3 sürmek

    "1. /ı/ to drive (a vehicle); to push (a vehicle). 2. /ı/ to drive (an animal). 3. /ı, a/ to let (one thing) touch (another): Elini oraya sürme! Don´t touch that bit over there! Atkını yere sürme! Don´t let your scarf touch the ground! 4. /ı/ to plow (a field). 5. /ı, a/ to exile (someone) to (a place). 6. /ı, a/ to send (soldiers) to (a place). 7. /ı, a/ to put (goods) on (the market); to put (money) into (circulation). 8. /ı, a/ to spread (something) on/over (something); to rub (something) on (something); to smear (something) on (something). 9. /ı, önüne/ to lay (something) before (someone), place (something) in front of (someone). 10. (for something) to continue, go on. 11. to lead (a good life): Adam orada son derece rahat bir hayat sürüyor. The fellow´s leading the life of Riley over there. 12. (for a plant) to put forth new leaves or shoots, begin to grow. 13. (for something) to take (a certain amount of time). "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > sürmek

  • 4 dörtlemek

    /ı/ 1. to make four. 2. to plow (a field) four times. 3. to put four people in (a dolmuş seat).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > dörtlemek

  • 5 geçmek

    "1. to pass. 2. /dan/ to pass by, go by. 3. /dan/ to pass through, go through. 4. /dan/ to go down (a street, road, corridor). 5. /dan/ to pass over, cross, traverse. 6. /ı/ to pass through, pass over, cross. 7. /dan/ to undergo, go through. 8. /dan/ to renounce one´s claim to. 9. /dan/ to give up, abandon. 10. /da/ (for one´s life, a period of time) to be spent in. 11. (for a period of time) to pass, elapse. 12. to take place, happen, occur. 13. /dan, a/ (for a disease) to pass from (someone) to (someone else), spread from (one place) to (another). 14. /dan, a/ to pass from (someone) to (someone else) (through heredity). 15. /a/ to move to. 16. /dan/ to go through a period of, pass through a period of; to go through, pass through, come through (a profession, an institution, a field of study, a type of training, etc.); to be schooled in. 17. /a/ to penetrate, affect. 18. /a/ to come into (power, authority). 19. /a/ to pass on to, pass over to. 20. /ı/ to pass, overtake, go past; to outstrip. 21. to move on, keep moving; to go ahead, go on. 22. to pass, be over, end, come to an end, finish. 23. /ı/ to surpass, exceed, outdo, outstrip, outrun. 24. /ı/ to skip over, skip, pass over. 25. /ı/ to play; to sing; to perform; to learn (a piece of music) by practicing. 26. /ı, dan/ to learn (a piece of music) from (someone). 27. (for a stove, a fire, embers) to go out, become cold, die. 28. /a/ to pass into, be recorded as (history); to be recorded in, be written down in (a book); to be put into (writing). 29. to be current, be in use, be valid, be in effect. 30. to be in demand, sell, be popular, be in vogue. 31. to be mentioned, be written or spoken about, be referred to. 32. /ı/ to pass (one´s class). 33. /dan/ to pass (an exam). 34. /a/ to take (one´s place), go to (one´s place). 35. /dan/ (for a road or river) to pass through, pass by. 36. (for fruit) to get rotten, dry up, spoil. 37. to get oneself out of something, get oneself off the hook, be shut of an involvement. 38. slang (an auxiliary verb used after some nouns) to do, make: diskur geçmek to spiel. Geçelim. Let us not talk about it. (...) geçtim let alone: Mektubu geçtim, bir kartpostal olsun yazamıyor mu? Can´t he at least write a postcard, let alone a letter? Geçti Bor´un pazarı, sür eşeğini Niğde´ye. colloq. It is too late to do anything about that; so let´s think about doing something else. Geç!/Geç efendim! colloq. Leave it!/Don´t waste your time on it./It´s not worth talking about. Geçtim olsun. colloq. Forget about it. Geç yiğidim geç! colloq. Pass by, my brave one (said in giving way to someone who is more powerful than oneself)."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > geçmek

  • 6 hava

    "1. air, atmosphere. 2. weather. 3. climate. 4. the sky. 5. law air rights. 6. wind, breeze. 7. melody, tune, air. 8. mus. pitch of a note. 9. one´s pleasure, whim; mood, humor, state of mind. 10. atmosphere, prevailing emotional state. 11. style, style of expression. 12. environment, social environment. 13. nothing, bosh. 14. airs, affectation. -dan 1. free, for nothing, without any effort, as a windfall, out of the blue. 2. empty, worthless. -ya 1. upward, up. 2. uselessly, to no avail, in vain. - açmak/açılmak for the sky to clear. - akımı draft, draught, current of air in an enclosed space. - akını air raid, air attack. - almak 1. to breathe fresh air. 2. to absorb air, take in air. 3. slang to end up getting nothing, go home empty-handed. - atışı basketball jump ball. - atmak slang 1. to put on airs. 2. to speak claptrap. - basıncı atmospheric pressure. - basmak 1. /a/ to blow up, inflate. 2. slang to give oneself airs, blow oneself up. 3. slang to speak claptrap. - boşaltma makinesi vacuum pump. - boşluğu 1. air pocket, air hole, downdraft (as felt in an airplane). 2. air shaft, air well (in a building). - bozmak for the weather to turn stormy or rainy. -yı bozmak to dampen the spirits of a group. - bulanmak for the weather to turn rainy. -sını bulmak to begin to feel happy, get into a good mood. - cereyanı draft, draught, current of air in an enclosed space. - çarpmak /ı/ for the wind or weather to affect (someone), cause (someone) discomfort. - çekici pneumatic hammer, air hammer. - değişimi 1. change of air, moving to another climate for medical reasons. 2. change in the weather; climatic change. - değiştirmek to move to another climate for medical reasons. - deliği 1. ventilation hole. 2. ventilation conduit (in a building). - durumu weather conditions. - düzenleyicisi air conditioner. - filosu air fleet. - freni air brake, pneumatic brake. - geçirmez airtight, airproof, hermetically sealed. - gemisi airship, dirigible. -ya gitmek to be in vain, be wasted. -nın gözü yaşlı olmak to threaten rain. - haznesi mech. air chamber. (birine göre) - hoş olmak (for something) not to matter (to someone). - hukuku air law. - iyi/fena esmek for things to be going well/badly. - kabarcığı air bubble, bubble. - kaçırmak to lose air. -da kalmak 1. to be up too high. 2. to be up in the air, be left in suspense, not to come to a conclusion. 3. to be left unsupported or unproved. - kanalı air conduit. - kapağı air valve. - kapanmak for the sky to be overcast. - kararmak 1. for night to fall; to get dark. 2. for the sky to become heavily overcast, get dark. - kesesi zool. 1. air bladder, gas bladder, swim bladder. 2. air sac (in birds and insects). - keşfi mil. air reconnaissance. - kırılmak for cold weather to break; for weather to begin to warm up. - kirliliği/kirlenmesi air pollution. - korsanı skyjacker, air pirate. - köprüsü airlift. - kuvvetleri air force. - meydanı airfield, landing field; airport. -sı olmak (for someone) to have a warm, attractive personality. (birinde bir kimsenin) -sı olmak to have something about (her/him) which reminds one of (someone else), resemble (someone). - oyunu futures, speculative trading in futures. -ya pala/kılıç sallamak to waste one´s energy. - parası 1. key money, cash payment demanded of a new renter before he takes possession. 2. money paid beyond what can be shown on a receipt. - patlamak for a storm to break. - payı margin of safety. - raporu weather report. -ya savurmak /ı/ 1. to throw (something) up into the air. 2. to spend (money) foolishly, throw (money) to the winds. - sıkmak slang to be a bore; to be a pain. -dan sudan 1. at random, randomly, of this and that. 2. random, of a random nature. - tahmini weather forecast. - tahmin raporu weather report. - tebdili change of climate (necessitated by ill health). -ya uçmak to be blown up, be blown sky-high. -ya uçurmak /ı/ to blow (something) up. -sına uymak /ın/ to adap

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > hava

  • 7 üst

    ",-tü 1. upper surface, top: Kütüğün üstüne oturdu. She sat down on the log. 2. space over or above: Üstümde ay parlıyordu. The moon was shining above me. 3. clothes: Üstünü kirletme ha! Don´t get your clothes dirty, you hear? 4. (a) superior, (a) boss. 5. remainder, rest (of an amount of money). 6. top, upper: en üst kat topmost floor. yokuşun üst yanında on the upper part of the slope. 7. at or about (a certain time): öğle üstü in the early afternoon/ at noon. -te above; on top. -ten 1. from the top, from above. 2. superficially. -ünde/üzerinde /ın/ 1. on, on top of. 2. above, over. 3. on; overlooking or looking out on: cadde üstünde on a main street. Boğaz´ın üstünde overlooking the Bosphorus. 4. more than; over: Ahmet artık kırkın üstünde olmalı. Ahmet must be over forty by now. 5. on, about (a matter, a subject): Bunun üstünde anlaşmalıyız. We ought to come to an agreement about this. 6. on (someone´s consciousness): Onun üstünde büyük bir etki yaptı. It made a big impression on him. 7. on, with: Üstünde para yok mu? Don´t you have any money on you? -üne/üzerine 1. on, on top of: Elbisesinin üstüne sürdü. She rubbed it on her dress. 2. on, on the subject of, dealing with: Kırım Savaşı üstüne bir tez hazırlıyor. She´s preparing a thesis on the Crimean War. 3. on top of, right after: Baklavanın üstüne işkembe çorbası içilir mi? Does one have tripe soup right after one´s eaten baklava? 4. upon (one´s honor, one´s good name): şerefim üstüne upon my honor. 5. better than, superior to: Kendi dalında Ali´nin üstüne yok. Ali´s tops in his field. Senin üstüne yok, vallahi! By George, you take the cake! 6. on (someone´s) account: Rahmi, biraları benim üstüme yaz! Put the beers on my account, Rahmi! -ü açık open at the top. -ünüze/üzerinize afiyet/şifalar/sağlık! May you stay in good health! (said while talking about an illness). -ünden akmak to be plainly evident. -üne/üzerine almak /ı/ 1. to take the responsibility of (doing something), take (something) upon oneself. 2. to take (a remark, an action) as being directed against oneself. -ünden/üzerinden atmak /ı/ to refuse to accept responsibility for. -üne/üzerine atmak /ı, ın/ to impute (a misdeed or crime) to (someone). -üne/üzerine basmak to hit the nail on the head. - baş clothes. -ü başı dökülmek for (one´s) clothes to be in tatters. -üne başına etmek/yapmak 1. /ın/ to curse violently at, give (someone) down the country, give (someone) what for. 2. to defecate in one´s underpants. - başa geçmek to sit with the bigwigs (in a meeting). -üne bırakmak /ı, ın/ to leave (something) for (someone else) to do, leave (someone) with the job of. -üne/üzerine bir bardak (soğuk) su içmek /ın/ colloq. to give up all hope of getting (something that one has lent) back, kiss (something) goodbye. - çıkmak/gelmek to win. -e çıkmak (for someone who´s at fault) to succeed in shifting the blame onto someone else. -ünden/üzerinden dökülmek (for a garment) to be far too big for, swallow (someone). - dudak upper lip. -ünde/üzerinde durmak /ın/ to give (a matter) a lot of thought, spend a lot of time thinking about (a matter); to give (a matter) a lot of attention; to dwell on (a matter). -üne/üzerine düşmek /ın/ 1. to fuss over, make a fuss over, shower attention on (someone). 2. to bother, pester. 3. to throw oneself into (a job), work hard at (a job). -üne/üzerine evlenmek /ın/ to marry again when one already has (someone) as a wife. -üne/üzerine geçirmek/geçirtmek /ı/ 1. to have (a piece of property) registered in one´s own name. 2. to have (an adopted child) registered under one´s own surname, cause (an adopted child) to bear one´s own surname. -ünden geçmek /ın/ slang 1. to *screw, have sex with. 2. to rape. -ünden (... zaman) geçmek (for an amount of time) to pass, elapse (after an event). -üne/üzerine gelmek /ın/ 1. (for someone) to turn up or appear right when (something is being done or discussed). 2. to walk towards (someone) intending (or as if he intends) t

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > üst

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